
The Enlightened Mentor Project is focused on helping at-risk teens and young adults have the best opportunities to lead healthy and productive lives and maximize their full potential. Our programs and services are instructional in nature and designed to promote learning, understanding, maturation and long-term interpersonal growth.

For more information about our programs and services, please contact us:


We provide our Champions with a unique combination of life skills training and athletic storytelling designed to help them find their purpose, improve access to opportunity and education, and instill the confidence they need to achieve greatness. Our life skills workshops are typically delivered cohort-style and intended to promote brotherhood among our Champions.


We provide academic tutoring services for our Champions aimed at improving their overall academic capability and performance. Additionally, we provide college preparation services—including SAT/ACT prep and college tours—designed to help our Champions select, enroll, and attend the best possible colleges and universities.


We provide 1-on-1 and group mentoring designed to provide our Champions with the guidance, direction, wisdom, knowledge, and skills they need to create successful, extraordinary, and impactful adulthoods.

We deliver our programming via a cohort-based format. Each cohort runs for 3 years and each year has a specific theme as follows:

Year 1: Focuses on Life Skills Building in which we help our Champions develop the social and professional skills they will need to be successful young men.

Year 2: Focuses on preparing our Champions academically and getting them into the best colleges.

Year 3: Focuses on leadership development and preparing our Champions to become junior mentors within the TEM program to newer cohorts that begin the program.

The 3-year cohort-based structure serves to build trust among the Champions and mentors which improves the effectiveness of the mentoring relationships and it creates substantive friendships among the Champions that can last a lifetime.

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