Untitled design (22)

Are you Fighting or Resisting?

Fighting [in this context] suggests an offensive posture; a constructive attempt to create an outcome.  In other words, fighting FOR something. I like to think of this as capacity building—An act designed to erect or establish something.   Why? Because you care deeply enough about something such that your are moved to action—to fight.  The aim is to create a future state based on what we’ve learned from our past and what we desire for our future.
Conversely, resistance may be viewed more as a defensive posture; an attempt to prevent or disallow.  In other words, fighting AGAINST something. Attempting to tear something down.
Now, why is this important? What does it mean to you and your ability to get things done?
To be most effective, you must always focus your energy on building rather than tearing down. Even when something is obsolete or otherwise ineffective you want to determine how to leverage it in some way to advance or evolve to the next thing. In this way, u don’t alienate those involved with the obsolete and can potentially rely upon them to help build a new position. As we all know, there is strength in numbers, and synergy—no matter where it may come from—is always advantageous. So do not destroy; rather, recycle, re-use and re-invent.

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